Gacha Cute Mod APK Download (PC, Android, iOS)

Gacha Cute APK for Android.

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Download Gacha Cute APK for Android

About Gacha Cute

The Gacha Cute Mode allows people to enjoy and get many unlocked features that people can’t easily find on the game. That’s why people prefer this version over the original one.

That’s why the creator of Gacha Cute, Natsuki.itch.iogacha-Cute, offers people the chance to get over 90 extra characters for free and many pets and objects that are free to use!

But what’s actually included in this mod? Well, let’s make a list of everything we can find.

  • 10 main characters and 90 new characters for people to use.
  • Almost all the items available for use can be changed with ease.
  • There are over 600 different poses to use in the game.
  • Changing hair, eyes, and other items for your character is easier now.
  • New pets and objects are easy to use and customized by players.
  • All the characters in the game can have custom profiles in the game.
  • Import and export modes are still available in the game.

Why choose Gacha Cute?

We all know what Gacha Club is. But things are a bit different with the Gacha Cute APK. Here, we will find the same RPG we are used to seeing.

One of the questions you can get is, why should I choose this version over the original one? It is a fair and fully understandable question.

But we have a good answer to this too. Imagine you are playing just for fun and want access to everything in the game. Would you wait to go through all the levels to get what you want?

The game hasn’t changed a lot. People can still create and select things, such as pets, objects, characters, etc. Of course, the dance, battles, and other features are also included.

Some of the features we are talking about are available for the character creation mode. There are also other additions to the studio mode, such as the following.

  • Now up to 10 characters can be shown anywhere on the screen.
  • Adding objects and pets to the scene is also easier if needed!
  • There are new backgrounds and foregrounds available for use.
  • There are new text boxes for people, which characters and pets can use!
  • A narrator can now be added to create storytelling scenes!
  • Up to 15 scenes can be saved in studio mode!
  • New face presets are available to change characters’ faces easily.

How to download it?

As this is not an official version of the game, we need to download it from other sources. We have made everything easier for you, and you can download the game here.

Remember, we are giving you access to a fully reliable APK. Still, you need to remember this game is not the same as the original.


Is Gacha Cute Free on Android?

Yes! People can get this APK for free. It is quite easy to get, and we have the download available here.

Can you play Gacha Cute online?

No. It only gives access to offline features, not to the online features of the game.

Can you play Gacha Cute on iPhone (iOs)?

No. This game is only found in the APK format, which is only available for people who own an Android device.

Can you play Gacha Cute on PC?

Yes! But to do this, you need to get access to an Android emulator such as BlueStacks, for example, to download the APK and run it there.

What versions does Gacha Cute have?

There are different versions we can find of Gacha Cute. But for now, we can find the 1.1.0 version, which is the latest update of the game.


Download Gacha Cute
Publication Date:
Aug18 2021
Susan Lovey
Operating system:
Android and PC (Emulated)
136MB (APK)
2.3/5 - (234 votes)